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Dora la Exploradora is a beloved childhood character for many, but what you might not know is that there are some Dora la Exploradora porn comics being made. And if you find this fact upsetting, perhaps it's time to stop being so naïve about the world - there are plenty of weird things out there. You can read about these comics on Reddit or Tumblr. It's worth noting that the creators have been stealing images from other websites and passing them off as their own work, which is illegal and morally wrong. The rest of this post will be a short overview of the prevalence and importance of morality in society. On the depression scale, we tend to place ourselves somewhere around the line. We all know we should do something about this, and it's always something we know we should do - but we don't. We make excuses and convince ourselves that there isn't enough time or money or energy or willpower to make a difference, and if we can't think of an excuse now, it's probably not going to come up later. This happens quite often - maybe because it's hard for us to care about things that seem impossible to change! Some people try harder than others to keep their promises and be as moral as possible. They feel pressured from doing so, from being surrounded by other people whose morals they admire, from the desire to have a good reputation. This leads to great pressure to conform, and people who would otherwise be immoral can be changed by it. Justice is a very strong human instinct. It's hardwired into our brains because of what evolutionary advantage it provided early on in order to keep us out of fights and avoid pain. Other animals don't have strong moral instincts, they can't even tell you why they don't like strangers. Early humans, with their ability to think about situations in terms of justice and fairness, had an evolutionary advantage. The way our brains are hardwired is one of the reasons morality is easy to break. This doesn't mean that there are no morals or that morality is useless - it's just something we have to build up over time. A lot of people don't bother because they feel they lack the ability to do anything about it - but this is not true! Moral willpower can be cultivated by anyone who sets themselves the goal of doing so. The more you know about this topic, the more you'll either have a strong moral streak, or it will just fade away from overuse. A moral person is someone who seeks to be ethical because they want a better life for themselves. It's a very natural way to live your life, and in order for this to work, there has to be a community of people doing this - but it's not necessary or necessary at all. Missionary parenting is one example of the community aspect of morality - it's about trying to create a circle of ethical people around yourself. eccc085e13